S&P 500 Update: Can Friday’s NFP Report Crash the Market?

2 weeks ago

We track theS&P 500 (SPX) using the Elliott Wave Principle (EWP), which allows us to identify the potential paths the market can take based on known patterns, which must adhere to specific price-based rules.

Since we cannot predict the future, the EWP can help us identify the most likely path. Moreover, since financial markets are non-linear, stochastic, and probabilistic, we must, like any other discipline that forecasts complex systems, always “anticipate, monitor, and adjust if necessary.”

With that in mind, in our last update (see here), before the FED’s interest rate decision, our view was that the announcement would not crash the market as our preferred forecast is for a complex, overlapping ending diagonal (ED) to SPX6000+. We anticipate that

green W-a/1 of the red W-iii/c to be completed soon, and the green W-b/2 to ideally $5525+/25 should be underway from where the green W-3/c to ideally $5950+/-25 can kick in.

Fast-forward and all we got was $5615, a mere 23.60% retracement of the rally that started September 6. See Figure 1 below. The shallow retracement fell short of the typical 50.0-76.0% retracement, which we based our forecast on, but uncommon does not equal impossible. However, the index has increased since then, supporting our “ED-to-$6000+” thesis. Thus, now we look at the current price chart to see if Friday’s important US Nonfarm payroll (NFP) report can crash the stock market. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Daily SPX chart with detailed EWP count and technical indicators

Our preferred assessment of the price action (since the infamous October 2022 low) remains that the index completed the (black) major W-3 and W-4 this summer and is now working on the black W-5. The latter appears to form a (contracting) ending diagonal (ED) pattern.

EDs comprise a 3-3-3-3-3 pattern and are, therefore, initially indistinguishable from a correction: a 3-3-3 pattern. Thus, it takes time to be confident that the SPX is in an ED.

The index also formed an ED during the February-March rally. See the blue box in Figure 1, which illustrates its overlapping abc’s well. We should, therefore, expect something similar over the next few months but on a grander scale, as that was a (green) minor-5 wave, and the current rally should be a two-degree larger Major wave.

With that in mind, we expect the green W-a/1 and b/2 of the red W-iii/c to be complete and the green W-3/c to ideally SPX5950+/-25 to be underway. The latter may subdivide as shown in the one-degree lower grey W-a, -b, and—c. The Bears have been able to break price below the continuously raised (blue) warning level for the Bulls but have, so far, stalled at the grey, 2nd warning level.

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