"yooo this aged me VIOLENTLY."
In a recent viral Instagram reel, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers social media team asked their rookie players if they could identify some items from the '90s, and their responses have me, a millennial, feeling like I'm ready for the grave.
First up, they asked the rookies if they recognized a VHS tape. 23-year-old Chris Braswell had a few guesses. "Isn't this like a DVD?" he guessed. After being told he was wrong, he tried again. "VR?" "DVR?"

Then he laughed, admitting he didn't know what it was.
Tykee Smith, 23 years old, knew what the VHS was for but didn't know its name, calling it "the little DVD thing that you used to put in the VCR."
And as a balm to my aging soul, 22-year-old Bucky Irving successfully identified the VHS.
Then they showed Power Ranger toys to 22-year-old Graham Barton and 24-year-old Elijah Klein, which, thankfully, they identified immediately.
Next up was a floppy disk, which Braswell, Smith, and Irving all guessed was a CD.
After hearing he was wrong, Braswell took another guess. "IBM?" he asked.
Mercifully, Klein correctly identified the item as a floppy disk, prompting Barton to ask, "Is that what this is?"
Barton then said of Klein, "He's like 24. He's basically a '90s baby."
@buccaneers / Via instagram.com
I can feel myself transforming into the Cryptkeeper.
Lastly, the players were handed a cassette tape, which Irving was unfamiliar with. "I don't know this one," he said. "Y'all got me on this one."
As with the VHS, Smith didn't know the item's name but did know how it worked. "You put it in like a music thing and close it, and it plays tunes," he said.
And finally, Braswell was able to correctly identify the cassette tape. "Times have changed," he laughed.
People in the comments said they'd never felt older. "I'm 34 but after watching this video feeling like I'm in my 60s."
"31 & they making me feel like i walked with MLK," one commenter said.
And another said, "yooo this aged me VIOLENTLY."
Finally, even Queer Eye host Karamo Brown said, "I want to fight all of them. I would lose... but it's the principal."